Dr. Juliet Langman

Dr. Juliet Langman
Dr. Juliet Langman is Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics in the Department of Bicultural-Bilingual Studies at UT- San Antonio. She received her B.S, degree (1980) from Georgetown University in French, her M.A. degree (1987) from Stanford University in linguistics and her Ph. D. degree (1989) from Stanford University in language, literacy and culture. Her research interests focus on minority youth populations in multilingual settings, exploring the intersection between language use and identity, as well as additional language learning, language policy and planning, and language ideology issues. Dr. Langman has a grant to explore how math is taught in Mexico and how different cultural approached to teaching mathematics affects school success for immigrant youth. Her research interest focus on minority youth populations in multilingual settings, language use, language learning and identity. Her primary sources of research are drawn from both the United States and Central Europe.