Dr. Nicole Wicha

Dr. Nicole Wicha
Dr. Nicole Wicha obtained her B.A. in Spanish and Psychology from the University of Texas at San Antonio, M.S. and PhD. in Cognitive Science from the University of California, San Diego. Dr. Wicha’s research focuses on understanding how the brain processes language in real time using both behavioral and brain imaging techniques, in particular event-related brain potentials (ERPs), which is a non-invasive direct measure of electrical brain activity with excellent precision in the time domain. Dr. Wicha has used these techniques to study the brain processes underlying language comprehension, such as the predictive nature of sentence comprehension in the monolingual and bilingual brains, and when and how different sources of linguistic information (e.g., grammar and word meaning) affect our ability to understand an utterance.
Contact info
Office: BSE 2.206
Email: Nicole.wicha@utsa.edu
Phone: 210.458.7013