Dr. Elizabeth Pate

Dr. Elizabeth Pate
P. Elizabeth Pate is a Professor in and Chair of the Department of Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching at The University of Texas at San Antonio. Her teaching interests include middle level education and curriculum and instruction. Dr. Pate’s research agenda is framed by systems thinking and focuses on service-learning/community-based research, the Conceptual Framework of Teaching Practice, democratic education, and STEM curriculum, instruction, and assessment. Her leadership roles have included Department Chair of Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching at The University of Texas at San Antonio (2007-2010); co-director of UTSA’s GE2MS Program, Generating Educational Excellence in Mathematics and Science; co-editor for Voices from the Middle for The National Council of Teachers of English; membership on the Research Advisory Board for the National Middle School Association (2006-2008); and, President, President-elect, Program Chair and Vice-President, and Treasurer of the Middle Level Education Research Special Interest Group (MLER) of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). She is the recipient of the Regents Outstanding Teaching Award from the University of Texas System (2012), University of Texas System Chancellor’s Council Outstanding Teaching Award (2006) and the President’s Distinguished Achievement Award in recognition of Teaching Excellence (2006) at the University of Texas at San Antonio. Dr. Pate received the Richard B. Russell Undergraduate Teaching Award (1999) and the Walter B. Hill Award for Distinguished Achievement in Public Service and Outreach (2001) at The University of Georgia; and, was selected one of ten finalists for the national Thomas Ehrlich Faculty Award for Service-Learning (2000).