Dr. Harriett Romo
Principal Investigator/Mentor

Dr. Harriett Romo
Principal Investigator/MentorBiography
Dr. Harriett Romo has a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of California, San Diego. She received her BS from the University of Texas Austin and taught in Nicaragua and inner city Los Angeles for six years. She has Master’s degrees from the University of California, Los Angeles and from the University of California, San Diego. She directed the InterUniversity Program for Latino Research at the Center for Mexican American Studies at UT Austin from 1985-1990 and served as Assistant Professor at Texas State in Sociology and an Associate Professor at UT Austin in Education before coming to UTSA in 1999. She has been the Director of the UTSA Child and Adolescent Policy Research Institute (CAPRI) since its inception in 2005 and has been the Director of the UTSA Mexico Center since its inception in 2006.