Dr. Rogelio Sáenz
Dr. Rogelio Sáenz
Dr. Rogelio Sáenz is Dean of the College of Public Policy and holds the Mark G. Yudof Endowed Chair at the University of Texas at San Antonio. He obtained his B.S.W. in Social Work from Pan American University, and his M.S. and PhD. in Sociology, from Iowa State University. Dr. Sáenz has written extensively in the areas of demography, Latina/os, race and ethnic relations, inequality, immigration, public policy, social justice, and human rights. He is co-author of Latinos in the United States: Diversity and Change (Polity Press) and is also co-editor of The International Handbook of the Demography of Race and Ethnicity (Springer Press).
Contact info
Office: DB 4.110
Email: Rogelio.saenz@utsa.edu
Phone: 210.458.2530